domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

New website

I don't work at Eden Games (the internal studio of Atari) any more.  So, I have radically modified my website so many links might be broken (all paper publications for example, although you can google them and you will find them).  I will update them gradually.

Soon, I will also give some more news on my new projects. Stay focus !

38 comentarios:

  1. Another important factor is the type of training that the home health care services provide to their caregivers. Inquire the certification and training requirements that the caregivers are required to fulfill. They should at least have basic certifications in First Aid and CPR. The agency should also have regular training programs in place so that the caregivers can improve their skills and knowledge with the change times.<a

  2. Our health care professionals have a broad set of capabilities that include quality assurance, reporting applications, portals, information delivery and basic and advanced analytics grounded in a deep understanding of business issues that drive the industries and sectors we serve. Consequently, we have the scale, scope and capabilities that can help companies in their efforts to address complex information management challenges.

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  4. Another important factor is the type of training that the home health care services provide to their caregivers. Inquire the certification and training requirements that the caregivers are required to fulfill. They should at least have basic certifications in First Aid and CPR. The agency should also have regular training programs in place so that the caregivers can improve their skills and knowledge with the change times.

  5. The downside to the private care is that these facilities are almost 2 to 9 times more expensive than public facilities. In fact households that need to contend with chronic illnesses spend almost 44% of their monthly income at private medical facilities for treatment of their ailment. An IMS study points out that another major factor in driving people to private practices is the lack of good transportation and travel infrastructure in the rural areas. This means that households need to choose facilities that are closer rather than those that are more cost effect.

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  8. This may require you to have the association representations. It is also important to have the patient explanation with open and ended questions. You have to repeat the explanation you were given to make sure that you have the right details. The counselor has to know what took place during the Seattle mental health counseling, and what has to be done to improve the life of the patient in the future.The Seattle mental health counseling, is a practice for the mental health counseling and it is dynamic, strength based and holistic. It is the discipline that was born by 1970s when there was a realization that the counselors who work in the community settings did not have a professional or home identity. Using the degree level of counselors has shown many people that they were successful in how they treated the mental health problems while the counseling was grounded into the developmental theory and the counseling professional had etiologic underpinnings in the wellness and preventions.

  9. It's of utmost importance to be on the right track, to build a rewarding career after a few years. Along with identifying your particular interests, you also need to bridge the knowledge gap, to enter college-level science program of your choice. Centennial College's pre-health science program helps you understand your requirements as well as bridge the knowledge gap. It's a carefully designed program that prepares you for your future educational and career goals.

  10. This may require you to have the association representations. It is also important to have the patient explanation with open and ended questions. You have to repeat the explanation you were given to make sure that you have the right details. The counselor has to know what took place during the Seattle mental health counseling, and what has to be done to improve the life of the patient in the future.The Seattle mental health counseling, is a practice for the mental health counseling and it is dynamic, strength based and holistic. It is the discipline that was born by 1970s when there was a realization that the counselors who work in the community settings did not have a professional or home identity. Using the degree level of counselors has shown many people that they were successful in how they treated the mental health problems while the counseling was grounded into the developmental theory and the counseling professional had etiologic underpinnings in the wellness and preventions.

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  12. It provides HIT products, education, and consulting services that enable its clients to engage effectively in health information exchange, health data integration, and health care quality measurement required to establish and comply with evidence-based best practices in health care. The mission of Hi3 Solutions is to accelerate widespread adoption and compliance with emerging HIT standards by offering the information integration infrastructure necessary to enable the use of health information exchange standards, meaningful health care quality and performance measures, and standardized clinical decision support capabilities.

  13. It is the discipline that was born by 1970s when there was a realization that the counselors who work in the community settings did not have a professional or home identity. Using the degree level of counselors has shown many people that they were successful in how they treated the mental health problems while the counseling was grounded into the developmental theory and the counseling professional had etiologic underpinnings in the wellness and preventions.

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